April 6, 2015

Sister Bain has completed her 18-month Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has returned home to Sandy, Utah. Thank you for all your support to Sister Bain.

We love you sweet girl, you have served well.


March 23, 2015

Hey all!

Up here in Washington it was another good week. This past weekend we were able to attend a fireside devotional with our investigators. Berta, Gustavo and Diana went, and so did Berta’s sister-in-law and daughter. Elder Oaks was the speaker and Elder Cardon and Elder Christensen spoke as well. It was prime.

They spoke about The Book of Mormon, the restoration, priesthood authority, and Jesus Christ. This fireside was specifically for investigators, converts who had recently joined the church, and recently reactivated less active members and their families.

Their concerns were answered and I learned an important lesson. If we want spiritual answers to spiritual questions we have to be humble to recognize the Spirit. They felt the Spirit for sure. They enjoyed it and they even realized things that they needed to do to truly follow Christ. And having real intent is having the determination to act upon the response that is given. I’m excited to follow up with them and help them determine how they can now act upon the things that they learned!

We have an exciting week coming up and I’m looking forward to it! I hope you enjoy the women’s conference this weekend:) I love you to the moon and back!

Much love,

Hermana Bain


March 16, 2015

Hey all 🙂

Thanks for your email. It freaks me out that time is so short but I also know that so many wonderful things are going to happen. I feel it. Luckily we’ve been super busy so I don’t really get to think about anything else. Yesterday was great! Maria came to church and I could have died right then because I was so happy. She loved it! And it was a miracle because we had called her in the morning to ask if we could find a ride for her. She said that she would be ok and when we hung up, her husband asked who it was on the phone. She replied that we had called and he asked what for. She just said that we called to see how they were doing. He paused and then asked what time she wanted him to drop her off at the church. She was still in shock when she left the church. 😉 She is planning on being baptized on the 11th of April. We’re so happy! This woman is incredible. She has a lot of health challenges and she isn’t doing so well. But her faith is inspiring. She listens to The Book of Mormon on disc because she can’t see to read it, so she listens as she folds laundry and works around the house but then forgets that she’s working because she gets so involved in The Book of Mormon!

Three of our less actives were also able to come to church and it’s incredible to see their faith grow! The first speaker yesterday in sacrament meeting spoke on temples and what she said was exactly what they needed. The gospel is just so fantastic!

We have a family home evening tonight with a part member family that we’re really excited for!

I hope you have a great week!

Much love,

Hermana Bain

March 9, 2015

Hola all!
It was a great week! Thank you thank you thank you for the birthday wishes and packages/letters!! It was a good day 🙂 I cannot tell you how fast this week went. It just goes faster and faster. Each day sure is a blessing though. I know that this is the Lord’s work. There’s a Spanish saying that our investigator taught me that says, “la boca habla de lo que el corazon esta lleno”. Which means you say what fills your heart. That’s not an exact translation P.S. but to me, that means that when your heart is full of goodness you will speak good things and people will hear that goodness. The Lord has been so good and now I feel a heart full of gratitude for the truthfulness of this restored gospel. Testimony comes when we do the things that fill our hearts with truth. Praying, studying the scriptures, keeping the commandments, and putting the word to the test. So like the ten virgins, let’s fill up drop by drop so that we can speak from our hearts.

Something that I have picked up on during the last year or so is that when I don’t know what to do or say, it usually works out just to testify. I do know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon is divine scripture and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has the restored priesthood and gospel upon the earth. And that’s where I stand at the end of the day.

I hear that life gets complicated, so I’m grateful that the Lord has witnessed to me the truth of these things and promises His Spirit as I do my part. We’re gonna have tons of adventures ahead, so grab your Book of Mormon and let’s go!!

Much love,

Hermana Bain


March 2, 2015

Hey all!

Thanks for keeping me updated about my date of birth 😉 I’m not sure how it should feel to be 21 but I don’t think I got used to being 20. Time just goes too quick. I’m kinda freaking out that it’s already March. It’s not fair. :/ But march gets really pretty here in the Evergreen State.

I honestly don’t have much to say today. I mean, I have too many things to say I’m just not sure what the most important thing to say is. I guess one thing that comes to mind is something that I learned in my personal study this past week. I was studying in preach my gospel and learned that it’s good to teach the gospel but it’s critical to teach with the spirit. That’s what makes this gospel so special. It’s why the world simply cannot replicate it.

Things have been pretty good around here 🙂 The days are getting longer which is nice and people are getting happier because the sun is out more. It’s insane. The sun comes out and so does the world -everyone goes running, walks their dog, washes their car, works in the yard, and they are just OUT. I love it!

We had a lot of learning experiences this past week. I guess we’re always learning right? But there are several experiences that stand out and really helped me remember some of the really important things in life. One is what you shared in your email about showing our love for our Father in Heaven and obeying His commandments. I was reminded of the value of personal study. And that without questions or concerns we have little motivation to search. If Joseph Smith hadn’t been confused he wouldn’t have needed to pray to know which church to join. I certainly don’t have all the answers but I am grateful that the heavens are open and I can seek personal revelation and divine guidance.

I was reminded that a thankful heart is a happy heart. That people are good. That personal righteousness is a choice. And that no matter how many times I read The Book of Mormon, it’s still true. But something that kind of woke me up again and called my attention was a conversation that we had with jaime. I guess I would say that he is Christian. He left his wife and kids in Mexico to come to the U.S. so that he could work and provide for his family. The plan was to be here for a few months but it’s been 3 years. He didn’t really listen to anything that we said as far as I could tell. But he sure did have some interesting points. I hope that I was able to listen to the message he was trying to present and that I’m not twisting his words but either way I learned from him. I really do believe that life can teach us and remind us of God. Who he is and what he does. Why he’s important and how we can know him. Jaime taught me that it’s important to study the bible. And I know that The Book of Mormon is just as critical. So I guess what I am saying is that I believe that our journey in life helps us better understand God by teaching us to recognize him and his voice through His Son and the gospel. It’s a perfect plan. And there was no other way that we could have gotten this experience.

Anyway, those were just a few thoughts that came to my mind as I was reviewing my week. There’s so much more but so little time. Thank you for always inspiring me with your testimony. I hope that you all have a ridiculously fantastic week and that you all know how much I love each of you 😉 Be awesome!

Much love,

Hermana Bain

Feburary 23, 2015

Hey all!

Happy Monday!! It’s the first day to the last transfer 🙂 Ind i’m sticking around here in the Sky Valley Branch with Hna Pirir! We had an exchange with the sisters in the Alderwood 1st ward this past week. We technically had a little mini exchange while Sister Lyman was resting from her root canal. I was able to go with Sister Ah Chong to a couple of the appointments that they had. We met Jorge. It was really neat because he has a friend who is living in Arizona right now and referred him to the missionaries. He’s having a difficult time right now pulling his life back into order or at least to where he can get back up again. It’s key that he recognizes that it’s through our Savior Jesus Christ that we find direction.

He was very sincere and has a desire. Super. Important. That’s just important in life in general. We were asking him what his expectations were for our visits and he said that he would like reading material so that he really understands for himself. Who says that?! A sincere seeker of truth. Man, it was just too good to be true. But it’s a true story 🙂

Yesterday we were able to have branch conference and it was super sweet! We talked more about counseling in branch council and it was really neat. There is a reason why we have the organization that we have. It’s cool to see how the Lord fulfills His work through His disciples and the faith of those who serve Him. I really love these members and their sincere desire to helps others come unto Christ.

I sure love you all!

Best wishes for this week 🙂 Make it a great one and have fun!

Much love,

Hermana Bain

Romans 1:8-9

8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;

February 17, 2015

Hey all!

Happy President Monson day yesterday! haha I’m definitely just kidding 🙂 But really, I hope you had a good day. We went to lunch with the Maltby sisters and did the usual. Minus the email time :/ but it’s been a good week so far! Three of our less actives came to church and one brought a friend 🙂 It was super neat! Last night we were able to talk to two other less actives and we ran into another today! Thank you for the thought that you shared with me this week. This is something I have actually really been thinking about lately. We do talk with a lot of people who say they believe one thing and then they do another. The pattern that I am noticing is that we often get comfortable. Yes, they know that the gospel is true and that the church has the proper authority and is led by a living prophet and that The Book of Mormon is the word of God. But they get casual, like what you’ve mentioned before, and they get super comfortable. They sit down for a second and before they know it, it’s been 2, 5, 10, 30 years since they’ve gone to church. Since they’ve done anything. Since they’ve progressed.

Something that comes to mind is that I studied in a talk that says that if we are not progressing and moving forward we are digressing and moving backwards. We don’t stand still in life. You can’t park in other words.

I see too that when people read things about Joseph Smith or they find something that they don’t like about the church or about something that someone has done at some time, it’s often because of something deeper. This morning I was studying about how to help others resolve their concerns and I learned that there are two main reasons that we as people have concerns. 1. lack of testimony and 2. lack of desire to keep a commitment to a principle that we have been asked to live.

So I believe what you said, that we need to know what we personally believe so that when the winds of trial swirl around us we can stand our ground rather than be blown around. Keep helping others to remember their testimony and God’s love 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful week! I love you!!

Much love,
Hermana Bain

February 9, 2015

Makail Mission 5Makail Mission 10Hey all!

I just love Sunday. Yesterday was a great day 🙂 Right after branch correlation meeting, Hermana Pirir and I went to invite our investigator to church and make sure that she had a ride. She wasn’t home so went to visit a less active that lives near. We woke him up and told him to come to church. He had a couple of questions about the resurrection and then tried to get out of coming to church by saying that he had to go to the hospital, but we talked about it and he ended up getting in his car and coming to church! When we got there, there were two other less actives and our recent convert/less active walked in!! In Sunday school we talked about covenants and in priesthood/relief society we talked about prayer. Ah, it was so great! A potential investigator called and asked how to get to the church, that kind of phone call never gets old. And he was able to go to priesthood and sacrament meeting, which was also an inspired meeting. So beautiful.

I had a neat experience that I want to tell you about. We were in one of the trailer parks visiting some potentials, less actives, and a recent convert. There’s a less active/part member family that lives there as well. So we went to their RV and talked to the kids. It was really humbling because I was just imaging all 7 people trying to live in that small space. We talked to them about prayer. Clay, the 3rd oldest child was really open with us about his thoughts on prayer. Didn’t really believe in God. But his mom had taught him and they have been going to a Christian church near them. Sheila (13yrs) refreshed her testimony (less active) and the youngest 2 were really excited about praying. They had the greatest answers and I promise that I learned more about prayer just from talking with them! They just have such pure faith! I don’t really know how to describe that moment though.

There was gratitude that we were finally able to contact them. There was hope for them. There was a moment that all time just seemed to melt away because for once it all just seemed right. I know that their situation is hard. And it just felt right to be there with them. We stood out on the step of the RV and they all sat and jumped around within a 4ft by 6ft space and the whole thing swayed back and forth, but we were talking about how much God loved them and there was nothing else we needed to talk about. I think in that moment the Spirit softened my heart a little more and my testimony was reassured.

This week we also visited another less active family. It’s a tough situation and it really breaks my heart. But I know that the Atonement can heal families. We were talking about prayer with them as well. Now, for some reason these kids will not pray. I feel we’ve thought of everything but something is just missing. I have my speculations. But. This week we were able to have “real talk” with them. I call this “real talk” because I feel that I’m not as direct as I should be about the Lord’s commandments when it comes to going to church and praying. We’re not church police. But we do teach the importance of church attendance, the blessings that come, and then invite them to act according to their understanding. The same is with prayer.

In life we face trials. It’s one of life’s requirements. It’s not in the fine print, it’s in the structure. But often when we face that opposition or feel that stretch, pain, discomfort, resistance, struggle, etc. we turn from God. We blame him. We doubt him. We rationalize. We avoid him.

However, each morning we wake up there is a critical decision to make. Sometimes it’s so subtle that we don’t realize that we make this choice or not.

Do I rely on God? Or do I rely on myself?

Prayer aligns us with God. It doesn’t change God. It’s not an emergency fix hotline or a pizza delivery service. Prayer opens a conversation with our Heavenly Father. It’s critical in finding truth. Essential in personal revelation. I love what prayer is and what prayer does. These kids don’t believe me yet and that’s okay. We’ll keep praying with them. And one day they’ll want to pray 🙂

I hope that you enjoy your week! I sure do love you! Sorry I just ramble, I’m not even sure if any of this made any sense. Just know that we’re happy and doing well. As one of my companions used to say,  “the gospel is true and the book is blue.” I’m assuming she always referred to The Book of Mormon but I guess I never asked. haha

Much love,
Hermana Bain

February 2, 2015

Hey all!

I sure love hearing from you! And I agree, January just slipped away. I can’t believe how quick time is going. Just. Too. Quick. But anyway, good things are happening 🙂 So happy February!

Thank you for sharing about the woman who made the gospel such a priority. That would be quite a challenge, but her faith is evident and I absolutely know that the Lord blesses His children and provides the means for them to follow Jesus Christ. Sometimes we just get so caught up in the struggles, obstacles, and the problems with obeying God’s commandments when instead, we should be following the guidance of the Spirit to receive solutions and answers. If we look for excuses we will find them. And if we look for reasons to obey we will find them and we will receive the blessings as well. I’m saying the gospel is perfect. In every way.

This past week, we were able to go on three exchanges and somehow it worked out that I was out of my area practically the whole week. But I just love these sisters. I have learned so much from them. I love that we are all so diverse and unique but at the end of the day, we all are striving to serve our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ with a pure heart by inviting others to come unto Him through the restored gospel. I can’t really explain the joy, healing, and sense of purpose that comes from sharing and living the gospel.

This past week, Hermana Maama taught me the value of being a true friend. She’s the kind of person that loves no matter what because she understands that there is no greater power than charity. It really doesn’t matter who you are, you feel her love. And I believe that we can develop that kind of charity when we know which way we face as Elder Gibbons says, and as we truly love God.

Hermana Miller taught me that believing in yourself is also exercising faith in Jesus Christ. I’ve served around her before and we both know that missions refine and purify your soul. Sometimes it hurts. But you always improve and grow and you always develop a lasting relationship with the true and living God.

It’s pretty amazing how complete and perfect the gospel is huh? I sure do love it 😉 In Lynnwood for a hot second with Sister Winward, we were helping a new family organize their home. He’s been a member all his life I believe and she’s a convert of 10 years. They met at a single adult activity and were married within two months I think it was. They are so great together and it was nice to see how much they are concerned for one another. I feel they have a really good marriage because they communicate really well. It’s interesting though because he’s a porn addict. Well, was. And they are both divorced (we’re talking really rough divorces). They say that 100% of addicts relapse but thanks to the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how the gospel heals people like you said, he’s been clean for over 5 years. Pretty amazing huh?

I really do believe that hope comes from the gospel. It’s beautiful. Sister Winward taught me that happiness is God’s love that we feel on sunny days, rainy days, and every day in between as we live the gospel. Life can be a struggle. I see it in the faces of the people we are teaching and those we pass. But I know that happiness is a way of thinking and not so much an end result. So think happy and be happy 🙂

When I was in Lynnwood with Hermana Miller, we took the bus on our way to a lesson and we met Melissa. Melissa has talked with missionaries before but has her disagreements. But we were talking about familysearch.org (she is a genealogy superstar-thanks to her inspiration I will be one too someday) and a man got on the bus and asked which religion we were talking about. He said, “Oh. Mormons. ….Mormons. It’s actually morons.” and turned away. I wanted to apologize for the bad experience that he had had with Mormons but Melissa interrupted and defended us. Really put her opinion out there. Pretty soon the bus driver and the other riders where on our side. I felt bad that now he probably feels worse about mormons and I would have liked to change that situation but I am grateful to know that there is goodness in all people. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like it but there really is.

The gospel is worth defending. And when it’s done with love and real intentions, truth is declared and hearts are softened.

Well, Hermana Pirir and I are pretty excited because Maria has a baptismal date! She is preparing to be baptized the 28th of this month so please keep her and her family in your prayers. Her testimony of The Book of Mormon is growing even though she doesn’t have the vision to read it. She listens to it and we read with her as often as we can. We are praying that her husband opens up and is more supportive of her decision. He’s not interested at this time. But he is how she is going to get to church. And it’s so important that they are together on this. We are really working with this family but there are still hurdles to clear. Mom, I love this family so much!

Thank you for all that you are doing mom!! I sure do love you 🙂 Have a great week okay?

Much love,

Hermana Bain

January 26, 2015

Hey all!

It’s great to hear from you!! Man, I sure love family home evening! It’s super important!! And I love that you talked about prayer. I’ve been making a more diligent effort in my prayers. I need to pray 🙂 That’s for sure! Each morning after my personal study I have been able to go to my room and offer a vocal prayer, expressing gratitude for what I learned and felt in my study and setting goals with my Father in Heaven for what I would like to accomplish that day.

Prayer should be something that brings us closer to God and feels refreshing. It’s not to change God’s mind but to help us align our mind, strength, might, and heart with His. I’ve been reading in 3 Nephi this past week and just got to the Savior’s personal ministry. Mind. Blown. Every time. I just love The Book of Mormon, ya know? Something that I have been thinking about is that in our busy, crazy lives full of ups and downs there is one invitation. Come unto him. I have this thing called perfectionism. At first, I figured that if I was perfect and things went perfect then I would have perfect investigators who would WANT to be baptized and be perfect like Christ. And in my quest to eliminate all weakness, faults and imperfections I’ve learned a couple of things. One. My quest will always be in vain. Two. I need to reroute. Three. What’s important at the end of the day is that we are closer to God. That we are closer to him in this moment. More than we have ever been before. And that if we’re not quite there, that we are on our way.

They say life’s not easy and that life’s not perfect. I can see that. Makes sense. The struggle is real.

But. Life is a little easier and life is more perfect, more enriching, more meaningful because there is a divine plan and a perfect REDEEMER. Even Jesus Christ. Because of some of the experiences that I have recently had I can testify that God lives. That His love is real. That The Book of Mormon answers the questions of my soul and witnesses of Jesus the Christ, and is the key stone to my religion. And that I know that people can change.

Thanks for always inspiring me and being such a powerful encouragement and source of motivation in my life.

I love you all

Hermana Bain